Monday, February 13, 2006

The cathedral in Puebla, Mexico, by night. Thanks to a bit of administrative immigration grief in Oaxaca, we only got to spend half a day in Puebla but it looked nice and I did eat an enchillada in chocolate mole sauce. The sauce is called mole, it doesn´t have any actual moles in it, as far as I know.
As for the immigration authorities, if you´re ever on holiday in Mexico and are keen to get your kids off your hands for a few hours of Treasure Hunt style fun, then my tip is to neglect to obtain tourist cards for them at the US/Mexico land border. This will lead to them being asked to perform a series of apparently arbitrary tasks - buying lots of forms, photocopying every page of their passports, printing out their bank balance, paying money into a bank and getting a stamp on six different forms to say you´ve done it, finding bus tickets - both American and Mexican - to prove when they crossed the border, filling in some more forms, marvelling as the official in front of them pulls a typewriter out of the dustbin of history and completes his notes, being very polite, digging out their best schoolboy Spanglish and finally leaving exhausted and grateful after three hours. Posted by Picasa


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