Thursday, March 24, 2005

A very red volcano, assisted by some clever lighting, in Tongariro National Park. Posted by Hello

Another very red volcano in Tongariro National Park. Posted by Hello

The Grand Chateau Hotel, Tongariro. We stayed here; the room was OK, the food was awful but the plunge pool in the basement was superb. Posted by Hello

Joanne rightly showing off having made it up the hard part of the Tongariro Crossing. Note stylish Grand Chateau headgear. Posted by Hello

The land of Mordor from the film of a children's book. Posted by Hello

Hills and volcanoes disappearing into the misty distance in Tongariro. Posted by Hello

Green lake by a volcano, Tongariro. Posted by Hello

A volcano, Tongariro. Note very small people in foreground. Posted by Hello

The inside of the Grand Chateau, Tongariro. Posted by Hello

Obligatory arty lifeboat shot, Picton ferry. Posted by Hello

Blueness, ferry from Wellington-Picton. Posted by Hello

Extraordinary blueness in Marlborough Sound on the way to Picton on the ferry from Wellington. Posted by Hello

Sheep in a vineyard. There must be a pun to be had out of this one. Posted by Hello

Today's fire danger. Careful, now. Posted by Hello

Me on a beach somewhere, possibly Pohara. Posted by Hello

Heroic posing by lovely waterfall near Takaka. Posted by Hello

A fern. New Zealand's big on ferns. In fact, the ladies national netball team are called the Silver Ferns and they go on about them in the papers all the time. Imagine that, netball in the papers. Posted by Hello

These very cute little birds and their mum (or dad) scuttled past us while we were walking a trail round Golden Bay. You can tell they live in a country with no indigenous land predators. Posted by Hello

A cormorant, or possibly a shag, somewhere on the north coast of the South Island. Posted by Hello

Our kayaks on a beach in Golden Bay. It was just us, the guide and a Dutchman who stole Joanne's hat. Posted by Hello

A beach we kayaked to in Golden Bay. The picture was taken by our guide, who'd lived in west London for a time. I mean, what are the chances? Posted by Hello

The Lord pays a visit to Punakaiki. Posted by Hello

How pretentious would you say this shot of driftwood on Punakaiki beach was? I'm going for extremely pretentious. Posted by Hello

Rocks at Punakaiki Posted by Hello

The helicopter pilot on our trip to the Franz Josef glacier, our first ride in a helicopter, spent his time eating fried chicken and texting on his mobile phone. He was called Mango. Posted by Hello