Monday, May 29, 2006

Harry Potter-esque interior of the library of a yellow church in Lima with some pigeons outside it. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, May 27, 2006

We went round the Galapagos Islands on this boat, the motor yacht 'Beluga'. It was very pleasant indeed. Posted by Picasa

Rays of some kind, Galapagos Islands. Posted by Picasa

Sunset again, Galapagos Islands. This might be Isabella, or it might be Bartoleme. It all merges together. Posted by Picasa

Someone mentioned that there aren't many pictures of me on this blog. This is why. Posted by Picasa

Seabird counter-measures, Bartoleme, Galapagos Islands.  Posted by Picasa

A whale died on or near this beach in the Galapagos Islands. See, there are bones and everything. Posted by Picasa

Look! We crossed the Equator! On a boat! It says so on the positioning radar screen thing, down on the bottom left, where northerliness reads 0,00,00N. See it? Oh, please yourselves. Posted by Picasa

Insert your own crab-related pun here. Posted by Picasa

A big old pile of marine iguanas on Bartoleme, Galapagos. I've got loads of these photos. Posted by Picasa

Slightly wonky shot of some marine iguanas on Bartoleme.  Posted by Picasa

Another sunset in the Galapagos Islands, this time somewhere off Bartoleme, I think. Posted by Picasa

Blue-footed booby on some rocks, Galapagos islands. There were lots of these curious things around and much hilarious booby-related wordplay was engaged in, as you can imagine. Posted by Picasa

Turtle, Galapagos. We saw loads of these and they surfaced occasionally but this is about as close as we got to them, apart from while snorkelling. Since I don't have a waterproof camera, this is the best shot I can show you. Posted by Picasa

Santa Cruz harbour, Galapagos, as viewed from our yacht (the 'Beluga') which was moored in the harbour. Posted by Picasa

A curious, slow-moving old lump carrying a patterned dome structure. And a tortoise. Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 15, 2006

Post Office Bay, Floreana, Galapagos. This is where the whalers used to leave letters to be collected by passing ships, as early as the 18h century. Now it's used by tourists to save on postage - they leave postcards in the post barrel and other toursits come and sift through the pile to find things going to their home countries and take them with them. Apparently this is more efficient than the Ecuadorian postal service. Posted by Picasa

Sea lions on Espanola, Galapagos. Posted by Picasa

Albatross flying overhead on Espanola, Galapagos. Posted by Picasa

Crab, hiding somewhere on Floreana island, Galapagos. Posted by Picasa

Sea lions on, I think, Espanola island, Galapgagos. Posted by Picasa

Land iguana on North Seymour Island, Galapagos. Posted by Picasa

A male frigate bird with his pouch thing inflated on North Seymour Island, Galapagos. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Some of the things we've seen so far in the Galapagos Islands, of which we've only seen the southern part of Santa Cruz around Puerto Ayora.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Machu Picchu, Peru. Well worth going back to. Posted by Picasa

Mandatory shot of train along the route from Cusco to Machu Picchu, Peru. Posted by Picasa